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  • Writer's pictureAlec Peche

Audiobook launch coming soon!

Great news - my Audiobook of RED ROCK ISLAND is launching September 22! I auditioned over 30 narrators and heard Damian Green’s voice in Scott Ellis. The remainder of the Damian Green series will be released each month thereafter.

I’m nearly done with my Jill Quint short story that is the follow up to Forensic Murder. I’ve been listening to an Aussie author by the name of Patricia Wolf to get me in the mood. Her series is set in the Outback and Sydney. Every detective story I read set in Australia seems to be set in the Outback. I kind of don’t get the attraction. It’s like all American stories are set in Death Valley. Granted besides a murderer on the loose, you have to contend with and survive the heat of both areas. I guess that the question of whether the weather is going to kill you adds to the tension.

Once I get this short story posted on my website - where it will be free to my subscribers, I’m going back to work on Witch’s Medicine. I’m really excited to go to work on that story. I have so many ideas about where to take the story that I can’t wait to get started.

Finally, I’ll share my latest distraction from writing - I’m painting my backyard pergola. Yesterday, I was wearing paint chips everywhere after blasting the old paint off the boards. I’m fortunate that I can fit between the slats and both blast the old paint and then add new paint from overhead. It also helps with my agoraphobia. The older I get, the more I seem to be afraid of heights, but with these slats in the way, I’m not noticing that I’m ten feet in the air.

Both MURDER AT THE PODIUM and CASTLE KILLING are on sale Friday-Sunday. You can find that discount on Amazon.

Hope you had a great summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and for those in the Southern Hemisphere welcome to Spring!



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