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  • Writer's pictureAlec Peche

Happy Birthday Daniel the dog!

Today is my writing partner, Daniel’s eighth birthday. He’s a 90+ pound love bug. As he’s getting older, he’s getting weirder about sounds. When I adopted him at six months of age, he was 50 pounds and labeled to be a Great Dane/pit pull mix. He was days away from death as he had been at the shelter for 30 days. He’d run away from his previous owner twice and then animal control kept him. I saw his picture and it was love at first sight. I paid the fee, and they kept him for another week so he could be neutered, then I had a friend come with me to pick him up as it was a hundred-mile drive and I wasn’t sure how he would react. He curled up in the back of my SUV and went asleep. I sent off his DNA and found he was 50% Doberman, 20% Boxer, 20% Newfoundland, and 9% pit bull. I was so relieved as my concern with adopting him was that Great Danes are short lived. He was also a more active and smarter dog than the breeds he was labeled with. Despite his brains, he has refused to learn the command, “come” even after 21 obedience school classes. He’s a very prey driven dog given to chasing squirrels, cats, and skunks. For his birthday, I used to take him to the local dog park, but in the last few years, he’s socialized with the humans, not the dogs. Today we’ll go for a walk in a large county park where he can hyperventilate smelling many wildlife scents.

In writing news, I’ve put Witch’s Medicine up for pre-order on Amazon. It will be released February 16, 2024. It’s the start of a new series following the short story “THE AWAKENING AT LAKE TAHOE.” It’s set in present-day Sacramento/Lake Tahoe area of California. The story is part of a series (maybe 5 books) that will feature Stephanie Jones, an Emergency Physician, mother of a college student, and newly minted witch and Lord Warrior Gormon Mialynn. Dr. Jones is seeing a few patients trickle into her trauma center with strange injuries likely caused by the fae prisoners who have escaped from their suspended animation prison in the Lake Tahoe area. Each book in the series will feature the unique magical abilities of these fae prisoners pitted against the fae warrior teamed up with a physician/apprentice witch. It’s like a murder mystery in that someone will die, and someone will be held accountable, but there will be a layer of fantasy to add tension to the story.

On another note, the audiobooks are continuing to roll out. VIALS, the first book in the Jill Quint series is now available on Audible. The other books in that series will become available over the next 18 months or so. I’ll give away two free codes for the audio version of VIALS. If you would like to be considered for that, respond by email to me at



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