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Writer's pictureAlec Peche

Where Did She Go?

Hopefully, by now, you’ve had a chance to read NOW YOU DON’T SEE ME, the first in the Michelle Watson paranormal thriller series. In Book 2, titled WHERE DID SHE GO?, Michelle and Jason head toward Caracas chasing rumors that Iran is selling long-range rockets to Venezuela. Why these two countries? They have a common enemy in the US and Venezuela has the ideal location to launch rockets while Iran makes them. I saw a news story about this happening in real life, and so I’m stealing the idea for my fiction. Of course, my fictional version will be more exciting than the real story.

Here is the book cover:

After I complete this story (I’m tentatively aiming for November 10), I’ll return to the Jill Quint series and work on book 13. Jill and Nathan will be heading to an East Coast city to watch the Olympic games. They want to watch the martial arts of Judo, Karate, and Taekwondo. I don’t know which city yet. I love the Olympics and wanted to work the games into one of my stories, so there you have it.

I hope your summer is going well. Despite the drought in California, I’ve had an explosion of fruit from my backyard trees this year. I have three peach trees, two cherry trees, and an apricot tree. I also have raspberries and blackberries. So, it’s been a very fruitful year, no pun intended. I’m also trying hydroponic farming as it seems to take less water than my in-ground vegetables. The plants seem crowded, and I wonder what I’m going to do once the vegetables start coming.

Cheers, and may you and yours stay healthy and cool!

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