Late September and into October are starting off at a busy pace. I finished my short story which should be up on my website by the end of the week. Red Rock Island has been released in audio format. I love how narrator, Scott Ellis, has brough Damian Green to life. Willow Glen Heist is next and it’s a fabulous listen as well. I will choose two random newsletter subscribers to receive a free copy of the audio. Just respond to this email that you’re interested in listening and you’ll be entered into a random drawing. I’ll let the lucky winners (and losers) know by Sunday.

I finished RETURN TO THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, a follow up to FORENSIC MURDER. I’ve mentioned in the past the research I do for each novel, and this was no different even though it was a much shorter story. I had to understand the Australian Court system as well as do a building search on Google for the scene of crime near Manly Beach. I’ll leave the story on my website for a month or so, then I’ll remove it and add it for sale on Amazon.

I’m now working on Witch’s Medicine. I did the short story introduction to the world of Dr. Stephanie Jones and Lord Gormon Mialynn, a warrior from the Elven Court. As you may recall if you read THE AWAKENING AT LAKE TAHOE, about one-hundred prisons were suddenly released from suspended animation after two hundred years of captivity. About half of the fae were recaptured and returned to the Fae Kingdom. Now our two main characters are teaming up to treat the humans injured by fae prisoners and to recapture them and return them to their home world.
The story is set in modern-day Sacramento, with a sprinkling of the Fae Kingdom. The ongoing mystery through the series will be the recapture of the prisoners including one powerful sorcerer who will cause great harm to humans. I’m not sure how I’ll classify this book—it may be an urban fantasy, or it may be a cozy paranormal mystery. I’ll have to see where the story takes me.

On a final note, I think I mentioned I was painting my pergola. I discovered a morning dove sitting on a nest with two eggs in it in one corner about three weeks ago. The mama bird flew away when I initial went to work on the boards in her corner and squawked at me from the roof top. So I left her alone. Last week, I saw three heads pop up and I knew my wait was near an end. Yesterday, I got that corner painted. Hooray!