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Writer's pictureAlec Peche

Vegas Author Conference

Happy Holidays,

About two weeks ago, I was at an author conference in Las Vegas. There were 1900 attendees and it’s all genres. We mystery folk are boring compared to the romance writers who wear tiaras and ball gowns and the Sci-Fi/Fantasy writers who cosplay. I’ve included some pictures including one of me with Batman. Some of these costumes would have been a pain to pack in luggage.

I asked in my last newsletter for your favorite authors and here are the names: Jane DeLeon, Deborah Brown, Tonya Kappes (2 votes), Hope Callaghan (she spoke at my Vegas conference), Tolkien and Rowling, David Gatward, Bruce Hammack, Susan Slater, Blair Howard, Toby Neal, R. Lawson Gamble, Dawn McKenna, Nicolas Harvey. So now we all have some additional authors to enjoy. I most recently finished the World of Curiosities by Louise Penny and I gave the story five stars even though it started off slow. I also watched the first episode of the Three Pines series on Amazon Prime, but I didn’t feel compelled to watch the second episode.

I’m doing some final editing for HOW DID SHE GET THERE? The third and last of the Michelle Watson series.

Below is the cover for the Jill Quint 14th series book called MINT DEATH which I’m aiming for February of 2023. I say aiming because on January 6 I’m going to make the decision on whether to have my left knee joint replaced. The surgery and recovery might speed up my writing or slow it down. I’ve been told for a couple of years that I need to have both knees replaced, but I’ve been resisting it as I’m not in pain walking around. At first, it was just that I couldn’t jog, or squat anymore. However, the knee has been bothering me for the past month going both directions on the stairs and I’m worried that I won’t be able to ski as it will be too painful to walk in ski boots. If I must cancel my ski season for 2023, then it’s time to suck it up and get the surgery. Any advice dear readers?

Best wishes for your holidays,


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